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Mein Freund ist ein Noob

Peinlich... da stellt man seinen Freund den Eltern vor und dann ist es ein Noob. ;)

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10. 123 (vor 16 Jahren)

9. 123 (vor 16 Jahren)

8. Weedjo (vor 16 Jahren)
habs auch gerade mal in nen Video mit subtitles gepackt (hoffe das klappt mit dem link 😄 )

deutsche übersetzung mach ich gleich, hab grad noch zu tun

7. Weedjo (vor 16 Jahren)
I can’t find the spacebar(leertaste) half of the time. But I know when I found true love and that is worth more than all the uber gear in the world.
-…. Too long! Did not listen :-D

Hoffe ich konnte jmd helfen =)

6. Weedjo (vor 16 Jahren)
-Your insolence (Frechheit)! FTL (for the loose)
-No! Maybe I love that he watches VHS tapes still. And maybe I love that his phone is still on the chord (kabeltelefon)
-You might as well date a noob that plays alliance.
-I’ll date whoever I want!
-Over my level 80 Rogue(Schurke) temporarely dead body!
-Mr Leet. I may run around in circles when I play halo. And I might never get a monsterkill… hell (oder well?)..

5. Weedjo (vor 16 Jahren)
-No, he’s a noob, jessica, a noob!
-But Ryan and I are perfect together.
-This relationship is heading to an EPIC FAIL, young lady.
-You’re a leet, dammit. We don’t date noobs, we pwn them.
-Well, maybe I don’t want to be a leet!!
-Your insolence (Frechheit)! FTL (for the loose)
-No! Maybe I love that he watches VHS tapes still. And maybe I love that his phone is still on the chord (kabeltelefon)
-You might as well date a noob that plays alliance.
-I’ll date whoever I want!
-Over my level 80 Ro

4. Weedjo (vor 16 Jahren)
Hier mal der komplette Text für alle die nicht auf anhieb alles verstanden haben (so wie ich^^)

-mom, dad, this is Ryan.
-ohhh, so this is the famous boy we’ve been hearing so much about
-Nice to finally meet you Ms. Leet. And Sir…
-… So Ryan. What World of Warcraft server do you play on?
-hehe… is that on the computer?
-uh, you know what? I think I forgot the dessert in the car.
-Who do you think you are, bringing that kind of guy into MY house?
-but daad, he’s a nice guy! Really!

3. oi! (vor 16 Jahren)
Das ist der Typ von Funky Town! xD

2. steppo (vor 16 Jahren)
"did not listen, too long" LOL

1. nice (vor 16 Jahren)
hahaha....we dont date noobs we pawn em xD

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